Sunday 3 April 2016

Blueberry-avocado smoothie

I've not really been feeling particularly creative in the kitchen the last few weeks. Lots of repeating the easy, well-tried, known-to-not-disappoint dishes.

This morning though, I woke up with a hankering for a smoothie. There was a literally a hole-in-the wall juice bar near where I used to live. They made an apple and avocado smoothie which kind of rocked my world. Never thought of drinking avocado but I was open to try anything made with the beautiful green fruit. So wilth that fine memory in mind, I tried this out this morning and it was delicious.


1/2 cup frozen blueberries
1/2 avocado
1 tbsp orange blossom honey
1-1/2 cups of 1% milk

Waz it all up. Drink it all up.  Smile all day.